Glossary C Words


Case conference - a meeting to discuss a student's needs. It may include all those involved with the student, such as his/her teacher(s), professional support staff, and school principal. Parents may bring someone with them to advocate and take notes. The purpose may be problem solving or reviewing support service options. It is similar to an In School Review Committee, but will include parental involvement and may include a wider range of professionals. See also School meeting and System meeting.

Centrally Assigned Principal (CAP) - Oversees the delivery of Special Education Services.

Challenge Program -name for withdrawal program for bright/gifted students in some school boards.Cognitive - term describing mental processes such as awareness, memory, judgment and reasoning.Common curriculum - Grades 1 to 8 have a common curriculum. i.e. one level of challenge or difficulty.Congregated class - a special education class of students with the same exceptionality. (See also Self-contained) 

Continuum of Service - Range of placements, programs and services available for exceptional orspecial needs students including regular classroom, part-time withdrawal to self-contained (congregated) classes.

Credit - recognition granted to a student by a principal on the successful completion of a course in a secondary school for which a minimum of 110 hours has been scheduled.Criterion-referenced test - an assessment that compares each student's performance with an established set of expectations or objectives that are usually curriculum based. (e.g. system-wide exams and EQAO provincial tests of Reading, Writing and Mathematics).

Curriculum - the program that must be followed to educate children at each grade level. The curriculum describes the expectations (skills and knowledge) that students must acquire as well as the achievement level (mark or grade). The curriculum is divided into different subject areas (Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, etc.) for both elementary and secondary school students.

Congregated Class - a special education class in which exceptional students with similar learning strengths and needs are "congregated" together in the same classroom. Students may be of different ages and grade levels. See also self-contained placement.

Consortium for Ontario Gifted (COG) - group of educators, parents and psychologists concerned about gifted learners led by ABC Ontario which meets with Special Education Branch of Ministry of Education three times per year.