Glossary M Words

Glossary M Words


Mainstreaming – students are organized in classrooms according to year of birth, irrespective of abilities and disabilities.

Minister’s Advisory Council on Special Education (MACSE) – This council advises the Minister of Education on any matter related to the establishment and provision of special education programs and services for students with special needs.

Ministry of Education (MEDU or MOE) – administers the system of publicly funded elementary and secondary school education in Ontario, in accordance with the directions set by the provincial government.

For more information for parents, see

An outline of special education regulations and practices is at

Modification – altering the standard curriculum expectations for a given age-appropriate grade level. For example, if a child’s age would place them in grade 2, but they are doing either grade 1 or grade 3 level work, we say that the curriculum has been modified. These modified expectations may reflect knowledge and skills required in the curriculum for a different grade level and/or increasing or decreasing the number and/or complexity of the regular grade level curriculum expectations. For some students, a modification may result in reduced expectations so that they will not qualify for a credit for the course. For others, such as those in gifted or enhanced education, a modification may go beyond the curriculum scope and still permits a credit to be earned. See also Accommodation.

Modified (MOD)– term used on the IEP form to identify subjects or courses from the Ontario curriculum in which the student requires modified expectations – expectations that differ in some way from the standard grade expectations. Generally, in language and mathematics, modifications involve writing expectations based on the knowledge and skills outlined in curriculum expectations for a different grade level. In other subjects, including science and technology, social studies, history, geography, and health and physical education, and in most secondary school courses, modifications typically involve changing the number and/or complexity of the regular grade-level expectations. The student may also require certain accommodations to help him or her achieve the learning expectations in subjects or courses with modified expectations. (From: The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide 2004 The Ontario Ministry of Education)

Multiple Exceptionality - refers to a student who meets the criteria for two or more exceptionalities, such as gifted and learning disabled and/or a behavioral exceptionality such ADHD.