Glossary P Words


PAAC on SEAC – Provincial Parent Associations Advisory Committee On Special Education Advisory Committees. Gives guidance to SEAC’s. Meets with Ministry of Education representatives.  

Parent guide – A parent guide describing IPRCs is issued by the school board (and is available through every school) for the use and information of parents regarding the board's procedures for the referral, identification, placement, and review of exceptional pupils, the right of appeal, and access to the Special Education Tribunal. Boards may also have other Parent Guides relating to Special Education concerning IEPs, gifted programs and other topics. Request a copy of all guides relating to special education. Terminology, programs, staff positions, placement options, criteria for identification, etc. vary greatly from board to board. Your local board’s special education parent guides are essential reading.

Provincial Demonstration Schools – special schools operated by the Ministry of Education for children who are deaf, blind, deaf-blind, and severely learning disabled, as well as those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Most of these programs are weekly or long term residential.

Psychological Evaluation - the portion of a child's overall psycho-educational evaluation/assessment that tests general intelligence, eye-hand coordination, social skills, emotional development and thinking skills.

Psychological Services – professionals (psychologists and psychometrist/ psychological associates) who work with students and administer psychological and educational tests, evaluate and interpret results, propose services, provide counselling, and consult with school staff.

Partially integrated – a student is in a regular class for at least one class, but not more that 50% of the day. The remainder of the student's time is in a self-contained class.

Performance assessment – an assessment of student learning that goes beyond written tests and requires students to show how they use and apply their knowledge and skills to solve real world problems and tasks. They measure each student's learning against expectations defined in the curriculum.

Placement – designates the type of learning environment where the student will learn. Common options are: regular classroom, part-time withdrawal, or a full-time self-contained class. (Note: ABC strongly supports a range of placement options and choices for all exceptional students, including integration in the regular classroom, supports in the regular classroom, withdrawal, and congregated, self-contained class. See the separate definitions and entries for each of these terms. Placement decision should be based on student needs, maximize learning potential and reflect parental input.)

Primary division - Grades 1 - 3.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) – An alternative procedure available to any Ontario secondary student who meets the qualifications to receive a particular credit without completing the usual course requirements. To view the full program memorandum pertaining to this type of assessment follow the link.